
Our token or “signal” is encoded at the point of content creation (pre-recorded programs or syndicated shows) or directly injected into the radio stream (live broadcasts). The token signal is unaffected by compression and has no change in quality over different content formats (talk radio, sports, music types). The back-end reception takes place via our app or through a portion of our app code into your company’s existing app. Once that reception happens, the loop is closed and stations can log in to our portal and view the audience in real-time, leveraging our analytics to increase sales revenue and identify peak programming content. Your station can be as silent or as engaging with your audience as you want.



Our token or “signal” is encoded into your audio track. Once that process is complete, whenever a smartphone is exposed to the audio track, then via our app or through a portion of our app code into another app the smartphone is synced to the content. This synchronization can be used in multiple ways: direct or delayed interaction, pushed content, data analytics, remarketing opportunities, etc. There is no limit to the amount of engagement. Our technology works from the big screens I movie theaters down to the home viewer watching a movie on the ipad; as long as there is a smartphone with the right code nearby, you can engage the audience.



Our token or “signal” is encoded at the point of content creation (pre-recorded programs or syndicated shows) or directly injected into the viewer’s audio stream (live broadcasts). The token signal is unaffected by compression and has no change in quality over different content formats (news, shows, sports). The back-end reception takes place via our app or through a portion of our app code into your company’s existing app or another existing app. Once that reception happens, the loop is closed and stations can log in to our portal and view the audience in real-time, leveraging our analytics to increase sales revenue and identify peak programming content. Your station can be as silent or as engaging with your audience as you want. Interaction is triggered in real-time by the token.


Live Events/Conventions:

Our token, or “signal,” is directly played over the outdoor speakers at the live event or convention (concert, rally, sporting event). The token signal is unaffected by compression and has no change in quality over different content formats (singing, talking). The back-end reception takes place via our app or through a portion of our app code into your company’s existing app or another existing app. Once that reception happens, the loop is closed and stations can log in to our portal and view the audience in real-time, leveraging our analytics to increase sales revenue and identify peak programming content. Your event organizers can be as silent or as engaging with your audience as you want. Sporting events can drive merchandise sales and interaction with the field of play through augmented reality (guess the pitch locations, third-down conversion, free throws, penalty kick locations, etc.) Political rallies can use this for targeted donations. The uses are as broad as the event organizers desire.